Document Type : Review Paper


1 M.Sc., Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 M.Sc., Department of Physical Oceanography, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran

3 M.Sc., Department of Physical Oceanography, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Noor, Iran


Microplastics as emerging and unfamiliar contaminants have been considered by researchers during the last decades. These small particles and fragments, typically have a size less than 5 mm and could penetrate into the marine environments by different ways, threatening the environment and animal health. Therefore, in this study, according to the studies by different researchers, this pollutant is introduced and some of its effects are mentioned in marine environments. One impacts of microplastics on marine organisms, such as marine vertebrates and invertebrates, arise from direct ingestion of plastic fragmentS by the marine biota leading into internal injuries. They also can have negative effects on the distribution of certain species of marine organisms, which they oviposit on the surface of these contaminants. Chemical adsorption is the most important impact of microplastics in marine environments, which not only transfers pollution, but also increases environmental resistance of these contaminants. Recent research works on the effects of microplastics pollution in the marine environment emphesis that permanent and continous monitoring of these materials and discovery of the pollution hotspots is crucial in environmental issues.


Main Subjects

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