Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assist. Professor, Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

2 Lecturer, Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

3 Researcher, Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran


In order to increase water productivity at farm level and smart irrigation, appropriate systems are essential so that can measure the moisture content in a proper and acceptable accuracy. In this regard, the wetting front device was made at the Soil and Water Research Institute and was evaluated in 3 textures: light, medium, and heavy at 3 levels of water salinity: no salinity (S0), 5(S1), and 10 (S2) dS/m. Then, to evaluate and measure the device in the mentioned conditions, it was tried to simultaneously measure the device numbers and soil sampling at certain depths at intervals of 24 h. After collecting data on the time of arrival of the moisture front to the soil depth and changes in soil moisture, statistical analysis was performed by soil sampling and soil detection device. The results showed that the device reacts in different textures and salinities. Moreover, the sensitivity of its sensors to sudden changes in soil moisture due to the arrival of the moisture front to a certain depth of soil has acceptable accuracy. Statistical results showed that the device has about 6 to 9% normal error in determining soil moisture in non-saline conditions, 28 to 41% in terms of using water with salinity of 5 dS/m, and 31-37% when a water with salinity of 10 dS/m was used. The model efficiency index also showed that the device is very useful in non-saline conditions with an average efficiency of 0.75 and is not recommended in saline conditions with negative efficiency index.


Main Subjects

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